Wasm Language Runtimes
Wasm Language Runtimes is a set of precompiled language runtimes to WebAssembly. It's an open source project, so you can check the different languages, required patches and build process.
In Wasm Labs we develop open source projects to bring WebAssembly to the developer community. Here you can find some of the projects we already released.
Wasm Language Runtimes is a set of precompiled language runtimes to WebAssembly. It's an open source project, so you can check the different languages, required patches and build process.
An open source project to create applications based on workers and run them. It's a self-contained binary server that will look for workers in your filesystem and will serve them right away.
A new Apache httpd module to configure and run WebAssembly modules. It allows you to run any language in Apache by compiling it to WebAssembly
WebAssembly brings existing projects to a new level. Our team compiled PHP, SQLite and WordPress to Wasm to run it directly in your browser. Yo ucan navigate articles and even add comments to the different posts.